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Quizzes in English

Quiz: Angels

1. Who are Angels? 1 Ministering spirits 2 Divine emanations 3 Distinctive spiritual entities Correct answer: №1 Correct! Educational materials: Apostle Paul's letter to the Hebrews, 1 Comment: Angels are ministering spirits (Hebrews 1:13-14), (from Greek ángeloi, "messengers") created by God prior to the visible world. Their mission is to serve God. Submit Take the...
  • 84%

Quiz about superstitions

1. What is superstition? 1 Belief in the realities of our world as sources of supernatural power 2 Belief in things not dogmatised by the Church 3 Weak faith, susceptibility to the vanities of this world Correct answer: №1 Correct! Educational materials: Types of Superstition Comment: Superstition is the sin of giving purely natural things...
  • 59%

Quiz: Bible Catchphrases

1. Part 1. Specify the location in the Bible of the given catchphrases or the words that originated the given expressions: Prodigal Son 1 Gospel of Luke 2 Gospel of John Correct answer: №1 Correct! Comment: The expression is derived from the Gospel parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32), which tells how a certain...

Quiz: Great Lent

1. The Old Testament forerunners of the Quaternary were the fasts of: 1 Solomon 2 Moses 3 Joshua 4 David 5 Elijah Multiple correct answers are possible. Correct answers: №2,5 Correct! Comment: The Old Testament describes two instances of people abstaining from food and drink for 40 days, these were the prophets Moses and Elijah....
  • 78%

Quiz about the Easter

1. Where was the tomb of Christ located? 1 In Jerusalem 2 In a garden near Golgotha 3 Near Bethlehem Correct answer: №2 Correct! Comment: According to Tradition, Christ's tomb was carved into a rock and was located in a garden near Golgotha. The coffin was owned by a rich man, Joseph of Arimathea, who...
  • 60%

Quiz: About the meaning of life

1. Choose a synonym for the expression "meaning of life": 1 Meaningfulness of deeds 2 Purpose of life 3 Planning of life 4 Eventfulness of life Correct answer: №2 Correct! Educational materials: The Meaning of Life Comment: The question "about the meaning of life" worries and torments deep in the soul of every person. For...
  • 76%

Quiz: The God-Man Jesus Christ

This test is a study guide that can only provide some preliminary information for a personal encounter with Christ. The purpose of human life is not just to learn about Christ, but to know Christ, to get to know Him, and to fellowship with Him. 1. Who, first of all, is Jesus Christ in relation...
  • 54%

Quiz about basic knowledge of Christianity

1. Does God have a visible appearance? 1 Yes, He looks like an old man (Dan.7:9), a king (Is.6:1), a man of fire (Ezek.1:26-27) 2 Yes. Being God the Trinity, He is like the Trinity of Angels, as He was depicted on the icon "Trinity" by the Reverend Andrei Rublev 3 God has neither spatial...
  • 70%